Articles by Ayadi Mishra

Ayadi is an Architectural designer and a climate activist, working for inclusion and climate justice. She has expertise in the construction and urban/climate finance industry as a young professional, where for multiple campaigns she has been the Asia-Pacific Liaison, Research Lead on public policy and circular systems for Mumbai as a UN SDSN Fellow, and Consultant in multiple UN negotiations. With YOUNGO and MGCY, she works as a Policy lead for Nature WG, and as a Constituency Member for the Stockholm+50 TF, Ecosystems Restoration and Climate Finance WG. She has recently served as the Delegate of India for COP27, COP15 and COY17.

A mangrove is a shrub that grows along coasts and has roots that are usually found underwater. Mangroves store ‘more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem on Earth’, and aid in the fight against coral bleaching. They act as natural barriers against storms and rising seas, saving ‘more than $65 billion worth of property damage each year’, according to They thrive in subtropical nations since they are adaptive, and are the best option for mitigating the effects of climate change, be it sea-level rise or the frequency of natural disasters such as cyclones and storm surges. However,…

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