Articles by Dr. Sheeva Dubey

Dr. Sheeva Dubey works as a researcher at Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) where she is looking into labour, housing and climate crisis related issues of urban poor communities. She is an anti-caste scholar and activist based in Mumbai. Her critical academic work focuses on the practice of manual scavenging in urban areas.

This is the third story in a multi-part series on the pandemic and its impact on people in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, YUVA, a non-profit organisation, attempts to understand the challenges they face in accessing relief and assesses the rights-based approach to benefits. The COVID-19-induced lockdown disproportionately impacted the lives of women and other minority genders. In a pre-pandemic world these communities were already disadvantaged, with lesser space for expression, deeper struggles in accessing jobs, more vulnerability to abuse and often shouldering a larger burden of household duties and care needs.  The pandemic deepened these schisms.  Nazar is a trans-woman…

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